FI30 – SAP FI Accounts Payable

Course Content SAP FI30 – SAP FI Accounts Payable – Liabilities

The SAP FI (Finance) course introduces the basic processes and principles of SAP FI – AP (Accounts Payable ) operation
= Liabilities SAP.


What is Accounts Payable?

Accounts Payable is equivalent to transactions called liability or an instruction. Payment orders section is hidden under this module, partly under SAP Bank Accounting module = Bank.


The basic structure of SAP FI course:

  • Introduction to SAP Finance – Liabilities: SAP Finance Accounts Payable Accounting
  • Entering Incoming Invoice
  • Automated payment transactions
  • Manual payments
  • Evaluations in SAP FI Accounts Payable


You will learn to use these SAP processes:

  • Creating and Managing Contractors
  • Management of bank accounts
  • Making payment orders
  • Creation, management and matching of invoices
  • Creating reports of suppliers and financial documents of suppliers

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