SAP60 – SAP Basic trainings – Tips and Tricks in SAP: Extension of SAP00 course

SAP60 Tips & Tricks Course content

SAP60 course is an extension of SAP00 Basic course. Develops it and helps you become an advanced user of SAP.
This course partly includes the substance of SAP00 and also develops especially these in SAP issue:

  • Editing custom reports
  • Editing custom filters
  • SAP Tips and Tricks
  • Print jobs and printing in SAP (including checks and print settings: SP01, SP02, SPAD)
  • Customization of SAP (where does SAP settings come from, numbers of documents, user settings, etc.)
  • Basic procedural approaches in SAP (project management, repetitive manufacturing, discrete manufacturing). Here you can see the difference on the official website of the SAP system: Repetitive vs. Discrete manufacturing comparison.
  • Subsequent treatment of exports from SAP in MS Excel
  • Structure of SAP teams: Key User vs. End User, SAP Customization versus Customer modifications (from the Transaction)
  • Document flow in SAP (flow and binding of individual documents across SAP modules)
  • Logistic approaches and settings in SAP
  • Invoicing and invoice processing received in SAP
  • MC46 and MC50 transaction – Analysis of lagers and dead inventory

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